Hey there,
Thanks for stopping by! Here’s a few words about the journey so far…
After years of working in skincare (and like many of you trying a ridiculous number of products) I constantly found myself wishing that skincare was a little more of this or a little less of that. More effective, less inflammatory. More about the skin, less about the smell. You get what I mean…
I grew up in a Syrian home with women who apply rose water to their faces as well as their desserts and men who think that olive oil is the answer to everything. I’m a big believer in the benefits of natural skincare and I studied formulation science because I wanted to make my own. I’m also a big believer in travelling and one day, on a trip overseas I was inspired to just do it. Enter Nomad!
I wanted to combine all the good things I know and love and all the amazing things I learned while travelling. Nomad is the manifestation of that. An evolving collection of carefully designed, highly effective, natural skincare that is holistically good for your skin.
I believe that skincare is personal. What works for you is unique, will change over time and is about trial and error. That’s why I’m not going to tell you that my products are the best (even though I totally think that they are).
I will just tell you that at Nomad, we put a significant amount of thought into our formulations. We research every ingredient extensively to ensure it’s going to work with your skin. We don’t use any (even remotely) questionable ingredients and we test everything on ourselves (repeatedly and incessantly until we think it’s perfect).
I’ll also tell you that we package everything in 100% recyclable tubes and boxes and that we’re always looking at more sustainable ways to get our products to you.
So give it a go! I know you will love it!
Reem (Founder and Managing Director)
Everyone’s journey is different, take Nomad on yours 😊